Beekeeper's calendar, what to do in apiary » August
After honey extraction, if the bees are not transported to heather fields or the second clover growth, start treating the bees for varroa. If a honeydew flow is expected, it is best to spray the bees with oxalic or lactic acid at this time. If no more honey will be extracted, treat the bees with Gabon or Apifos strips.
If a honeydew flow is expected (based on local vegetation), it is advisable to leave the supers in the hives after the last honey extraction. Extract the honey after the honeydew flow ends.
After extracting honeydew, heather, or clover honey, prepare the bee nests for winter, form the winter nest, remove unnecessary frames or move them behind the divider, and treat the bees for varroa. Check the mite infestation after treatment.
If there is no honey flow, stimulate brood rearing by feeding the bees 0.5 liters of sugar syrup every 2-3 days until the main feeding.
Around mid-August, place feeders and insert Gabon or Apifos strips. To prevent robbing, narrow the hive entrances.
Provide the bees with their entire winter food supply in large quantities over 2-3 feedings. It is important that each frame in the nest contains 2-2.5 kg of winter food.
Distribute the bee bread, covered with honey, evenly among all colonies so they have protein food for brood rearing in spring.
Cut out the remaining bee bread from the frames, mix it with honey, grind it, and preserve it. This is a good food supplement for both humans and bees in spring.
Store the removed frames in boxes with concentrated acetic acid pads on the frames or hang them in well-ventilated rooms to protect them from wax moths.
If you notice that the bees are suffering from chalkbrood or foulbrood after the last honey flow, treat them with medication and take all preventive measures.
Remember that August 15 is the day of Austėja, the goddess of bees, celebrated at the Ancient Beekeeping Museum in Stripeikiai (Švenčionys district).
If the bees do not expel the drones for a long time in August, it means something is wrong with the queen – the bees are rejecting her. Replace her immediately with a young mated queen.
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