Beekeeper's calendar, what to do in apiary » November
We sell or exchange melted wax for wax sheets and sell honey.
We clean the frames and disinfect them in sodium hydroxide or other solutions. It is not advisable to disinfect frames with a blowtorch, as spores of chalkbrood or foulbrood can easily remain in the sealed frame cracks.
We disinfect, repair, and paint the hives, and make new ones.
We check if mice have invaded the hives.
We cover the hive entrances with spruce branches and wind shields. It is also advisable to place spruce branches under the hives. It is very convenient to cover the entrances diagonally with glass. If the glass fogs up normally, it means the bees are wintering well.
We place the rear plugs when the average air temperature is below zero (e.g., 2°C during the day, -7°C at night).
Now is the best time to summarize the results of the past bee season (apiary economic indicators, etc.)