Beekeeper's calendar, what to do in apiary » September

September in apiary


By September 6, finish feeding the bees brought back from heather fields and clover for winter.
When arranging the nests, do not insert the back plugs at this time. To stop the queen from laying eggs, it is advisable to remove the cushions, leaving only a cloth or film above the nest.
If there is little brood, cut it out at the end of September and calculate the mite infestation. Usually, the last brood contains many mites. Destroying them will help the bees winter more peacefully.
After the brood is gone, check the bee colonies' nests, the amount of food, and if there are 5 frames in the colony. After additional winter feeding, remove the feeders along with the medication strips from the nest. Neither Gabon nor Apifos strips should be left for winter. The hive entrances, which were narrowed during feeding, should be widened, leaving more than 1 cm per frame.
During the final bee inspection, create passages in the frames near the top bars so the bees can easily move from one frame to another during winter.
Ensure good hive ventilation. When the weather gets colder, place the cushions.
If there are weak colonies or colonies without queens in the apiary, combine them with strong colonies.

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