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His is a unique opportunity to relieve stress, relax, and balance your thoughts and emotions by lying in a special lodge with thousands of bees humming beneath you. This experience not only calms you but also restores damaged bio-frequencies, boosts the immune system, balances the nervous and endocrine systems, improves blood circulation, and helps those with breathing difficulties. It is completely safe as there is no direct contact with the bees; the lodge is designed so that the micro-vibrations, smells, and heat emitted by the bees reach you. Under each bed, there are bee families living their normal lives, producing and molding honey in small honeycombs. Each bee family consists of about 50-60 thousand bees, with hundreds of thousands of worker bees humming under one berth. During the therapy, the person's psycho-emotional state is restored, leading to increased efficiency, improved tissue regeneration processes, and a boosted immune system.
Aromatherapy: The aromatherapy produced by the beehive is rich in propolis, bee wax smells, and plant materials called phytoncides (phytoncides are antibacterial agents from plants). For these reasons, beehive therapy is a particularly effective immunization method. The smells emit through small holes from the beehive into the room. Those lying down can smell honey, propolis, wax, and pollen extracts. The vibrations generated by the bees are like a massage. While lying down, you will be affected by the vibrations generated by the bees, which are identical to the frequencies emitted by humans. When our biofield is disturbed, we feel destabilized, mentally and physically exhausted, and susceptible to various diseases. This therapy acts like a specific vibration and heat massage, also filled with the aromatherapy emitted by the bees, which helps restore the nervous system affected by constant stress, activates blood circulation, and restores the person's biofields. According to Ukrainian data, this therapy helps regulate cardiac rhythm and is very effective for men with prostate problems. It also aids those suffering from respiratory diseases, such as asthma. Due to prolonged stress, the body loses balance and becomes susceptible to diseases. The recommended duration of one session is one hour, but even after half an hour, those lying down will feel the effects of the vibration and heat. The constant temperature of the beehive is about 35-36°C. You can feel the heat of the beehive even by placing your hand on the wooden boards of the bed. Lying above the humming bees also relaxes the nervous system and calms you down. This therapy is particularly effective for people suffering from depression and sleep disorders. During sleep, the nervous system rests and recovers, muscles and other organs' functions are restored; thus, the body becomes balanced and more resistant to diseases. However, if you still feel tired after sleep, bee therapy will be particularly effective for you. This therapy treatment activates the body's recovery process, allowing you to rest much quicker. Like all therapies, it should be repeated as needed. "Ukrainian recommendations state that a person suffering from any problems should have up to ten sessions lasting approximately one hour each. Similar to a regular massage, bee therapy sessions can also last two hours for five days." You can rest in the lodge from the beginning of May to the end of September, until the bees prepare for winter.
• Poor immune function
• Cardiovascular disorders
• Endocrine disruptions
• Nervous system disorders
• High/low blood pressure
• Stress
• Depression
Can pollen cause allergic reactions?
Please note that the pollen collected by bees is called entomophilous pollen. It differs from anemophilous field and meadow pollen carried by the wind in its chemical composition and biological function. When the latter enters the respiratory tract, it may cause allergic reactions, particularly hay fever, in some individuals. Meanwhile, entomophilous pollen transported by bees and other insects from one plant to another does not have such an effect. Nevertheless, if a person is sensitive to any plant pollen, it cannot be guaranteed that pollen from bees will not cause an allergic reaction.